Sonoran Dental Design

TMJ Disorders

Apr 7, 2014 @ 11:06 AM — by Ann R. Sielicki, DDS
Tagged with: Dr Ann Sielicki Headaches Jaw Pain Gallery Scottsdale Dentist


TMJ Disorders
Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders, commonly called "TMJ," are a group of conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement.

A variety of symptoms may be linked to TMJ disorders. Pain, particularly in the chewing muscles and/or jaw joint, is the most common symptom.

Other likely symptoms include:
radiating pain in the face, jaw, or neck,jaw muscle stiffness,limited movement or locking of the jaw,painful clicking, popping or grating in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth,a change in the way the upper and lower teeth fit together.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, schedule an appointment with Dr. Sielicki as soon as possible for an evaluation at
(480) 419-9595.