Sonoran Dental Design

Restore Your Smile with Treatment for Tooth Fractures

May 13, 2017 @ 11:00 AM — by Ann R. Sielicki, DDS
Tagged with: Restorative Dentistry Dental Crowns Dental Bonding

Even with meticulous dental care, tooth fractures can happen to anyone and without warning. Falling, being involved in a car accident, or getting hit in the face while playing sports are just a few ways in which a tooth fracture can occur. Whatever the cause, it's important to seek treatment for tooth fractures as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Restorative dentistry treatments can repair tooth fractures and other types of dental damage, protecting dental health and restoring the smile's appearance. To discover which treatment for tooth fractures is right for your needs, contact Scottsdale, AZ dentist Ann Sielicki.

Treatments for Tooth Fractures

Once a fracture occurs, the tooth becomes vulnerable to decay and further damage. Fractures damage the enamel, the outer protective layer of the teeth, allowing bacteria and acids to enter the tooth, greatly increasing the risk of tooth decay. Treating tooth fractures as soon as possible is essential for preventing further dental damage.

Fortunately, there are many cosmetically pleasing options for treating tooth fractures and restoring the smile's appearance. Some popular treatments for tooth fractures include:

Preventing Tooth Fractures

Although it's not always possible to prevent tooth fractures, there are steps that may be taken to reduce the risk of a fracture. Some ways to prevent tooth fractures and protect the smile include:

Discover Your Treatment Options

If you suffer from tooth fractures, it's important to seek treatment immediately. To learn more about your treatment options, you're invited to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sielicki.